Welcome to Cat Care Durango
We are a free-roaming cat rescue and sanctuary dedicated to providing love and care for cats of all ages and medical needs. Founded in 2023, we strive to improve the quality of life for cats in need and connect them with loving homes where they can truly thrive.
We believe in the dignity and worth of every cat, regardless of age, ability, or condition. Our doors are open to all cat lovers! Whether you’re looking to adopt or simply want to spend time with our feline friends, we welcome you to visit our facility and experience the joy of connecting with these amazing animals.
Our founder has been a passionate advocate for cats in the Southwest Colorado area for over 20 years and has been instrumental in spaying and neutering over 45,000 cats, making a significant impact on controlling the feline population and improving the lives of countless animals.
In addition to rescue and adoption services, Cat Care Durango is an active participant in the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. We also provide boarding spaces for cats of all ages and medical needs, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for every cat in our care.

Our Mission:
To protect the welfare and dignity of all cats in every stage of their life through TNR (trap-neuter/spay-release) programs, proper medical care-both physically and mentally- and adoption, foster and sanctuary programs for our wild and peaceful feline friends.
50l(c)(3) non-profit organization, PACFA certified
How you can help:

Join us on our Instagram Profile t0 see what our cats are up to.

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